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Sophie McBaiden
Oct 24, 2023
"I never thought I'd get an opportunity like this". Our young people at Mayer Brown law firm.
August 2023 saw 10 of our young people, who completed our WYZ For Work employability course, spend a week at law firm Mayer Brown.

PwC volunteers
Oct 9, 2023
Actuarial profession – what is it?
There are a lot of rewarding professions out there that you may not have even heard of. This article looks at the role of an Actuary.

Lara Akala
Jul 23, 2023
Tech creativity redefining banking
We brought back the super informative Tech Careers Insight Day for a second year running, thanks to our friends over at HSBC and Microsoft

Jul 10, 2023
From blueprint to reality: A glimpse into Design and Manufacturing careers
We were thrilled to hold and insight day with Steelcase, a global leader in office furniture, interior architecture and space solutions.

Apr 18, 2023
5 things you can learn from your first part-time job to help your career
Your first part-time job can be a great way to gain valuable experience and skills. Here are 5 things you can learn from it.

Mar 17, 2023
Researching a company before a job interview
Researching a company before a job interview is a crucial step in the job search process...essential to helping you stand out.

Sophie McBaiden
Feb 28, 2023
"I now understand my personal brand": our Law & Business insight day with Mayer Brown
We teamed up with global law firm, Mayer Brown to bring a practical and educational career day to 15-18 year olds in and around London.

Ralph McBaiden
Jan 17, 2023
Making a good impression during work experience
Work experience is a great opportunity to gain practical experience. Here's some tips to maximise it.
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