openpalmcharityJun 29, 2021WorkshopsOpen Palm delivers financial education to Year 8s through WYZ Money workshopOn 25 June 2021, we delivered our WYZ Money financial literacy workshop to a great group of Y8 students at Harris Boys' Academy. Our...
openpalmcharityJun 1, 2021Work ExperienceShining a light on Tech careersAsk the average person what comes to mind when they think about the Tech sector. They might think about Maths or a person sitting in a dark
openpalmcharityMay 29, 2021WYZ For WorkWYZ For Work - our course preparing young people for career successWYZ For Work, our free online employability course preparing 13 – 18 year-olds for career success, has now launched!
Isabella ChildsMay 16, 2021WYZ For WorkFinding a job that makes you happyChoosing a job that makes you happy will have a big impact on your wellbeing. Here are some tips on what to consider when finding a job.
openpalmcharityApr 27, 2021What's happeningMaking sense of Angel InvestingWe are pleased to announce that we have teamed up with Angel Investing School (AIS)...