If you are 16-24 and you’re looking for a job, then the Government’s Kickstart Scheme may be your way to gain experience of working in some of BritIan’s most exciting companies. The Kickstart Scheme offers a 6 month paid job with a local employer, funded by the Government.
The scheme is open to 16-24 year olds, who are claiming Universal Credit, and are at risk of long-term unemployment. If you have a work coach they will talk to you about the Kickstart Scheme and whether it’s right for you.
There are roles on offer in many different types of businesses, and across England, Scotland and Wales. Plus if you take on a Kickstart placement you might be able to progress to an apprenticeship within the same company.
Ask your Work Coach about these opportunities and look on the Apprenticeships website.
The first jobs are now live, talk to your work coach to find out more. If you don’t have a work coach, find out more about your career options.